
Doutrinas > Processo Civil - Revistas

Russian Law Journal - Volume 2 Issue 4

Artigos: Dostoevsky v. the Judicial Reforms of 1864: How and Why One of Nineteenth-Century Russia's Greatest Writes Criticized the Nation's Most Successful Reform (por Brian Conlon); The 'Golden Age of Legislation' in Finland 1863-79: Judicial Reforms in Societal Context (por Jukka Kekkonen); The Impact of the Russian Civil Judicial Proceedings Act of 1864 on the Polish Civil Proceedings  ... (por Piotr Rylski e Karol Weitz); Judicial Reform in the Kingdom of Poland in 1876 (por Artur Korobowicz); Reception of the Russian Statute of Civil Procedure of 1864 in Lithuania during 1918-40 (por Dalia Mikuleniene e Valentinas Mikelenas); Judicial Reform of 1864 on the Territory of the Ukranian Provinces of the Russian Empire and Its Importance for the Development of Civil Proceedings in Ukrain (por Iryna Izarova)
Publicado no site em: 11 de novembro de 2014